Who we are
EUROYoung is a Forum of EURO, the European Association of Operational Research Societies. We provide training, dissemination and networking opportunities to young Operational Researchers. Our home page is: https://euroyoung.eu/
The objectives of EUROYoung include:
- Fostering collaboration among students and early-career researchers in O.R.;
- Providing young O.R. scholars and practitioners with tools to advance their careers, mainly through training;
- Creating networks both among young researchers and with more senior leaders in the field of O.R.;
- Connecting demand and offer in the O.R. job market, both in academia and the industry.
The EUROYoung workshops are the main events organised by our Forum. With these workshops we want:
- To create a bond between researchers going through a delicate phase of their career and preparing themselves to be the faculty and practitioners of tomorrow;
- To promote peer-education and give young researchers the opportunity to teach their colleagues something unique they have learnt;
- To share knowledge from established O.R. “seniors” to the new generations.
- To provide affordable (approaching zero-cost) opportunities to young researchers to present their work, learn, and network.
- To promote EURO, its activities, instruments, and resources.
EUROYoung’s presence at EURO2022
EUROYoung organises a keynote on a topic of relevance for the community of operational researchers who are new to O.R. Our invited keynote speaker is Prof. Claudia Archetti (ESSEC Business School, Paris) with a talk on the topic: “How to deliver a successful research work in 2022: Focus on routing and logistics”.